10th I-Lead Session

10th I-Lead Session

I-LEAD is a three-month Leadership Development Program strategically designed for supporting continuous and rigorous Human Capital Growth and Organizational Development through intensive and comprehensive learning practices. The program is well thought-out, focusing on mind-set shift and habit formation on personal level; and systems & behavioral changes and breakthrough results on organizational/team level. Active participation personal devotion and complete walk through in the program ensures the inherent and learned capacity to emerge as a leader who can help score BREAKTHROUGH RESULTS.


I. Personal Development Training: Unleashing human capital towards inspiring personal greatness and success Leadership Development: Recognizing and Developing the Leader within for organizations & beyond Change Leadership: Initiating and Leading Change in personal life and Organizational contexts.

II. Book Review and Reflection: Participants will be reviewing one or two selected books in relation to the training areas;

III. Field Visits: There will be a couple of visits to different places that inspire and model exemplary achievements;

IV. Personal and Leadership Competency Assessment Tests: Participants will examine their personal and leadership competencies by taking different tests;

V. Breakthrough Projects: Participants are expected to design and execute their own personal/organizational breakthrough projects.


Participants of the program are expected to:

1. Align their own learning objectives with the program and actively participate in all reflections;

2. Propose their own breakthrough project to execute during and after the program;

3. Be consistently committed to comply with all program participation requirements.


The program is artfully designed to bring practical impact on personal, professional, and organizational levels:

Critical Mind-Set Shifts: Possibility thinking or out-of-the-box thinking;

Habits Formation: Asking powerful questions and raising the bar of excellence;

Behavioral Changes: Appreciation, tolerance, support, cooperation, learning, growth, and more;

Breakthrough Project: Creating meaningful personal and organizational learning habits and values.

2 thoughts on “10th I-Lead Session

  1. Yodit Gebremichael Menghistu says:

    This is a very interesting and inspiring program. It is a great opportunity and I can’t wait to be a part of it.

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