
To see enhanced leadership capacity that generates breakthrough results leading to transformational changes in Africa and beyond


To provide innovative and strategic human capital and organizational development solutions


Revering human dignity and potential

Human beings, regardless of sex, race, and creed, are immeasurably valuable and carry immense capacity to transform their own lives and their circumstances. Our world will be a much better place by recognizing this fact and revering human dignity and potential. Recognizing, investing on and harnessing the human potential is the linchpin of everything we do at CALD.

Integrity and reliability

We mean what we say and we say what we mean. If we make a promise, we do our level best to make it good, even at great cost/ loss. Our primary satisfaction as a company comes from ascertaining that our clients trust our promise and rely on the solutions we provide. We strive to model integrity in all our endeavors.

Excellent service and client satisfaction

We know that we can continue to exist as a company as long as we add value to our clients. But, we carry the aspiration that we work to add significant value to our clients’ through excellent and dedicated services. Our clients’ satisfaction is the litmus test of our success and the guarantee for our continued existence.

Never ending learning and innovative solutions

CALD relentlessly works to push the frontiers of human capacity development in Africa. We continuously commit to learn more about what works best for our company, clients and communities. We make it our duty to strive to co-create solutions that generate breakthrough results for our clients. Helping our clients score breakthrough results and make quantum leaps is our ultimate objective – making the impossible possible.

Long-term relationships and collaboration

We recognize that relationship is the foundation of all sustainable accomplishments. We work towards building strong and long-term relationships among and across staff, management, clients and partners that is based on trust and mutual benefit. We envision that our collective harmony and collaboration will translate into benefiting our larger communities, and the natural ecosystem around us.