Academic Profile:
MA in Developmental Studies (Development Evaluation and Management) from University of Antwerp, Belgium; BA in Management and Public Administration from Addis Ababa University
Current Position:
Senior Consultant
Professional Experience:
Trainer and Facilitator for InterAction Leadership Program (British Council), Leadership for Results (UNDP) program, Leadership Beyond Boundaries (Center for Creative Leadership), Generating Transformative Change – GTC (Pacific Integral, Washington State, USA), Managers Who Lead Program of Management Sciences for Health (MSH); intercultural trainer for Dean Foster Associates (DFA, USA), Crown World Mobility (UK) and Quintessential Consulting Ltd (UK); Cross-cultural Trainer for individuals and institutions who are living and working in Ethiopia
Past Clients:
UNDP, CSSP/British Council, PACT, John Show. Inc (JSI), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusa mmenarbeit (GIZ), Management Science for Health (MSH), Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) and many more.